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Philip Drucker
Jul 18, 20223 min read
This is the final Communique written by Philip Drucker, law professor, writer, ranter, musician, artist, empath, capital "D" Democrat,...
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Philip Drucker
Jul 13, 20225 min read
"Nice Day For a Red Wedding" 7-13-2022
“Nice Day For a Red Wedding” If I can quickly encapsulate the evidence and information presented by the January 6, Committee during it’s...
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Philip Drucker
Jul 9, 20224 min read
"Lord Manchin Explained" 7-10-2022
Last time we met it was over a warm cup of consternation and an analysis of the legacy of George Mason, slave owner, and his failure to...
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Philip Drucker
Jul 8, 20225 min read
“Deeply Rooted in This Nation’s History and Tradition?” 7-8-2022
What the hella does that mean? Well, it is part of a test to see if a non-textual fundamental right exists in the Constitution under the...
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Philip Drucker
Jul 6, 20225 min read
"My Regeneration" 7-6-2022
It’s happening. The change has come and the bad guys are going to be under our thumb. We have the power. We have the momentum. We have...
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Philip Drucker
Jul 4, 20224 min read
"Six/Four Dead in Illinois/Ohio" 7-5-2022
“The last time I heard a weapon of that capacity firing that rapidly on the Fourth of July was when I was in Iraq—not the United...
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Philip Drucker
Jul 1, 20224 min read
"The Grinch Who Stole Democracy" 7-1-2022
“The truth unquestionably is, that the only path to a subversion of the republican system of the Country is, by flattering the prejudices...
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Philip Drucker
Jun 28, 20225 min read
"Hutchinson's Comet" 6-28-2022
After giving her revelatory testimony during Day 6 of the January 6th Committee Hearings, Cassidy Hutchinson may go down in history as...
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Philip Drucker
Jun 26, 20227 min read
"I Will NOT Comply" 6-26-2022
Today, let’s take a steely-eyed, galvanizing look to a now clearly compromised and illegitimate SCOTUS that for all intents and purposes...
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Philip Drucker
Jun 24, 20226 min read
"Oily Spill" 6-24-2022
It was with great pride that I watched Day 5 of the January 6th Committee’s public hearings as the various members of the DOJ time and ...
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Philip Drucker
Jun 21, 20224 min read
"The Big Ask" 6-21-2022
Today’s January 6th Committee Hearing found us back in somewhat familiar territory beginning with the story of three blind mice, Don,...
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Philip Drucker
Jun 18, 20227 min read
"Good Behavior" 6-18-2022
Photo Credit: Facebook/Ginni Lamp Thomas When researching the origins of the federal court system, including the US Supreme Court, it...
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Philip Drucker
Jun 17, 20227 min read
What if Pence Caved? 6-17-2022
Where might we be today? We, as did the January 6th Committee, start our inquiry with a discussion of the 12th Amendment. The applicable...
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Philip Drucker
Jun 14, 20229 min read
"A Legal Theory" 6-14-2022
“A Coup in Search of a Legal Theory” - Judge David Carter 3/28/2022 Today I’m going to try something a little different. I’m a firm...
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Philip Drucker
Jun 11, 20225 min read
"Justice League of America" 6-11-2022
Today is a good day to be an American. I mean it. When I got up this morning the first thing I did was collect the mail. It was there,...
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Philip Drucker
May 28, 20226 min read
"What is a Militia?" 5-28-2022
Article 1, Section 8 of the US Constitution expressly gives Congress the Power over eighteen diverse areas of government. These areas...
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Philip Drucker
May 25, 20226 min read
Communique "Para-Military-Noia" 5-25-2022
It is difficult to understand how the Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms is now the single most divisive constitutional issue...
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Philip Drucker
May 21, 20224 min read
"74,222,958 Lunatic Fringe Republicans Can’t Be Wrong” 5-21-2022
Is it just me or are an alarming number of GQP lunatic fringe seditionists trying to bring back the Lee Harvey Oswald look? If so, what...
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Philip Drucker
May 19, 20224 min read
MAGA Can You Hear Me? 5-19-2022
We know who they are. Isn’t it time we showed them who we are? -PD IMO the only reason anyone would follow a “reality star” politician is...
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Philip Drucker
May 17, 20225 min read
Communique "Anti-life-a" 5-17-2022
I’m wondering about what it might be like to wake up every morning and not necessarily anticipate being the victim of a racially...
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